GSoC with OpenMRS — Week 10 Update

Kate Belson
1 min readAug 19, 2021


For week 10, I continued with some work I had outstanding from last week that has been previously described, and reflected on my time as a GSoC student.

How I Found GSoC:
I really enjoyed my time as a GSoC student — it is definitely something I would do again! My team have been amazing to work with and although I came with little experience, I’ve definitely learnt a lot since then. It has definitely inspired me to continue in the field of Cyber Security.

The Best Bit:
Submitting PRs, as it felt so rewarding to know that my code was going to be part of such a massive and influential project!

The Most Challenging Part:
Learning how to do everything! Most things have been new to me, but luckily with the help of my mentors I’ve had an invaluable experience and learnt many new skills.


My next blog post will be my final report, covering everything that I’ve achieved and experienced as a Google Summer of Code student.



Kate Belson

BSc Computer Science Student at University of Exeter. Participating in Google Summer of Code for OpenMRS.